v0.1.2 and v0.1.1 public release

Hello everyone, time for another update v0.1.2 and this also make v0.1.1 going for public release.  You can get v0.1.2 with early access price or supporting me from patreon / subscribestar.

This update add unlockable perk which will unlock sexy scenes at the shop, there will be more perks introduced, both for sexy scene or not. In this version, perks will unlock the option to give "special discount" or "extra price" when haggling, it will also give another option to ask the customer to get naked while you haggle, and the last is enable desperate customer going their way to get their money.

There's also unique buy/sell dialogue for all customers to match their personality, and I add mini-event across the customers which unlockable with perks as mentioned in previous paragraph, so not all customer will have the same mini-event. And the customer now have facial expression tied to their dialogue.

In this update, there's several QoL update, which aim the game to be playable with one hand, but it's not there yet. I'm trying 😂 But I think the scrollable price is the biggest helper in this update.

I also found some bugs on the game that make the game harder, and make it more grindy. I tried to fix and tune the balance so it's easier to get the money. But, this game is still far from balance.

I think that's all the main changes on this update. This will leave not much left for the v0.2.0 milestone. Remember, you can scroll the price now!


  • Add unlockable perk to unlock sexy scenes on the shop. Perk detail can be seen at the player stats menu, you can see it on the shop press "Q" menu.
  • Add unique buy/sell dialogue for all 8 customer. The flow mainly stay the same, the goal is for dialogue to match the customer personality.
  • Add variety of face expression to all 8 customer. This expression tied to their own dialogue and event at the shop.
  • Add small customer dialogue variations. Example:
    • Louisa can get naked on her own to persuade you to give better price or when you reject her. 
    • When haggling with Kline while she's selling item, you can ask her to get naked as a requirement to consider her item. Ask naked option is not available if the customer is wearing naked outfit and the perk is unlocked.
  • Increase price on more revealing outfit. The outfit price is now in range of 200-500.
  • Increase starting money to 5000.
  • Increase customer price calculation result on lower greed. (Make it easier to make money)
  • QoL: Add new dialogue panel (press J to toggle) for playing portrait orientation scene without blocked by the dialogue panel
  • QoL: Add auto focus on price field when haggling to enable player to immediately change their price
  • QoL: Up and down arrow key can be used to change price when haggling
  • QoL: Mouse scroll wheel can be used to change price when haggling when the mouse pointer is on the price box at the bottom right area
  • QoL: enable ctrl (skip dialogue) to shop
  • Changed font, I found some problem with previous font, so I decide to change it to another font for now.
  • Fix buying customer price is not affected by their stats, they always use the item base value as if they have max stats and make the game harder lol.
  • Fix event NPC color marker being same color as buying customer
  • Fix Lillian ask naked dialogue messed up when player immediately give her nothing
  • Fix shop button still clickable while being disabled, causing space cannot be used to advance the dialogue
  • Tweak Lillian response order
  • Add option to skip Lillian dialogue at the start of her dialogue


Pawn Pleasure v0.1.2.zip 196 MB
26 days ago

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